From soil health to harvest, follow the journey to creating a foundation for a healthy plant and improved yields.
Listen to the Wonderful World of Biological Wine.
We are excited to be sponsors of SENZ The Rural Roundup Wonderful World of Biological Wine Segment, playing each month from August to July next year.
A productive vineyard needs a solid foundation, it all starts with the soil. Golden Bay Dolomite magnesium fertiliser is a natural mineral deposit sourced right here in New Zealand.
Dolomite contains approximately 24% available calcium and 11% available magnesium, ideal for achieving optimal soil structure, improving drainage, nutrient retention, and soil biology creating a winning combination to enhance vine productivity.
Magnesium tightens the soil, while calcium loosens it – correct applications of Dolomite can help build base saturation levels of both these minerals, giving optimum pore space within the soil profile providing 25% air and 25% water.
Achieving this will provide a house for the biology and ideal soil structure for vine growth.