Our nutrient management
Regional Council regulations for farm nutrient management and discharge
OverseerFM nutrient modelling in pastoral systems
Capturing nutrient cycles in pastoral systems and creating individual farm models is the primary purpose of the OverseerFM nutrient budgeting program developed in NZ. OverseerFM is designed to model the nutrient movement at a farm level to estimate the expected loss of key nutrients Nitrogen and Phosphate to waterways. The recent intensification of agriculture has seen a significant rise in phosphorus and nitrogen fertiliser application which has resulted in greater levels reaching our waterways increasing algal growth.
The good news is that incorporating GBD into your farming system will only have a positive effect on growth and will not impact any nutrient limits that may be in place in your region. Helping to enhance the strategic use of the nitrogen limit that you have available under the land management rules of your regional council plan.
For more information visit:
Regional Council Farm Environmental Plan (FEP) compliance
Using Golden Bay Dolomite not only has the advantages of supporting healthy soil microbes, plants, and animals it is also an environmentally sustainable product. As the Ministry for the Environment brings in further regulations, changing to a farm system that protects your critical resources of soil, plants and animals is an astute step.
For further information about the Land Management rules under the Resource Management Act in your region refer to the following links below.
Ministry for the environment
Tasman / Nelson / Marlborough – individual district council plans manage
West Coast - Intensive winter grazing guidelines, trigger resource consent
Canterbury (Environment Canterbury) - Farmers’ hub