Correct your Calcium Magnesium
With Golden Bay Dolomite for a healthier system
Tom Rudge
Location Between Rakaia / Methven
Farm Type Cropping
Production Intensive specialty crop rotation, cereal crops, wheat and barley
Dryland cropping farmer Tom Rudge farms on the fertile mid-Canterbury plains between Rakaia and Methven. There are two predominant soil types on the property, a well-draining deep Templeton silt loam and a Lismore shallow silt loam. Nestled between the foothills of Mount Hutt and the coast, the annual temperature is 9.2 degrees with an annual rainfall of 967mm. The area experiences dramatic extremities with short, cold winters and occasional snowfall, switching to drought-prone conditions in the early summer months.
Tom specialises in an intensive crop rotation that consists of consecutive cereal crops, wheat, and barley, followed by a grass fallow period before returning to the cereal rotation, a cycle that is reliant on high nutrient inputs. Seven years ago, Tom become frustrated with their traditional NPKS approach as they were seeing the same issues paired with underperforming crop yields year-on-year.
Crops were failing to establish quickly with strong growth
High prevalence of pest and disease burdens
Trace element deficiency correction had minimal improvement
The turning point came after Tom attended Neal Kinsey’s introductory soils course, summarising American scientist William Albrecht’s work. This was revolutionary as it not only focused on the volume of different elements present in the soil profile but the relationship between them. The research resonated with Tom’s willingness to try an alternative soil science, and they haven’t looked back. Over the seven years since switching approaches, they have observed:
With these results, Tom
“wouldn’t hesitate to recommend switching to Golden Bay Dolomite for other farmers to improve their crop health and production. GBD is easy to engage with, and there have been no problems ordering GBD products or delivery timeframes. Incorporating GBD into our cropping program is seamless and it goes on paddocks without any issues.”