Golden Bay Dolomite January Newsletter

What’s in a soil test?  

New Zealand farmers and growers are aware of the importance of soil testing to understand your soil fertility, though developing an understanding of how the “test” you are using determines your soil nutrient levels, is one step further. 

The majority of the rural industry are long-term advocates of the NZ MAF quick test, based on replacing nutrients for plant growth. However, what we are faced with is a system that often results in stock with metabolic health issues because of the total focus on NPK. 

Time for the industry to look to the soil for animal health benefits. 

Albrecht soil testing method 

We send our soil tests to Perry Analytical Laboratories (PAL) in Missouri for a complete soil audit based on the system developed by Dr William Albrecht.  

Using PAL exclusively ensures all of our tests are run according to the Albrecht Method and we can track improvements with soil health through repeatable and reliable soil testing methods. 

How does the Albrecht system differ?  

New Zealand soil testing is traditionally based on the reductionist theory that nutrients are applied to replace the quantities used in production, meeting pasture and crop nutritional needs with little regard given to the nutrient levels in the soil itself.  

In comparison, the Albrecht system recognizes that minerals present in the topsoil (including trace elements) have an “optimum” level and when these are maintained, they create an environment where soil biology thrives and keeps nutrients cycling and available for production.

The law of the “Maximum” and “Minimum” 

  • An addition of a deficient element has the effect of reducing any other element that was excessive 

  • Firstly, correct deficiencies to manage elements in excesses 

  • The balancing of soil nutrients is extremely important to fertility, yield and nutritional quality

With minerals at optimum levels, pasture and crops maintain a nutrient-dense composition, maintaining healthy animals, good live weights and/or milk solid production per hectare.

Field validation of Albrecht soil testing results  

To field test the accuracy of the Albrecht soil testing, farmers can map the different blocks that they define as their sampling areas and check how the results align with the performance seen in the paddocks, e.g., are the samples identified with minerals at optimum in fact producing the higher yields?

Understanding the Numbers  

Each soil testing method has its own set of measurements. Be aware that the Perry Lab data will differ from MAF quick test data as testing methodology is not all the same. The important thing is the interpretation of the testing results. Be sure to refer to the recommendations and comments that accompany results from your consultant. 

Get in today on 03 525 9843 or email 


Golden Bay Dolomite December Newsletter