What’s your Autumn Paddock colour telling you?

Autumn has arrived – now is the time to have a good assessment of your winter Brassica crops and pasture growth.

The overall leaf colour in the paddock can tell you a lot. How would you best describe it?

  • Can you see a healthy deep green or is it looking pale and light?

  • On Brassica crops, is there a brown, slightly burned look on the leaf tips?

  • Does the crop growth appear stunted and smaller than expected?

These symptoms are classic signs that soil levels of magnesium and/or calcium may not be sufficient for healthy plant growth. Traditional fertiliser programmes that are designed to maintain optimal soil levels of macronutrients (NPKS) typically overlook calcium and magnesium, which are both essential for healthy plant and animal growth.

Golden Bay Dolomite is a New Zealand source of calcium (59%) and magnesium (39%) carbonate that cost-effectively builds both these mineral levels in soils.

Completing crop walks regularly helps to manage nutrient deficiencies and any pest or disease infestations – some rural seed suppliers provide this service for their customers.

To find out more about the benefits of supplementing your fertiliser programme contact us or download our booklet.


Human health and soil fertility


Promoting Autumn growth of pasture and crops